Tuesday, January 3, 2017

More Powerful than Darkness

It was a crazy holiday season.  I suppose it always is.  Christmas already seems a month ago rather than just barely over a week ago.  I'd like to think I'm recovering from the stress of the season and now that it's a new year, everything will perk up and fall back into its normal place.  We're not off to a good start on that hope though.  I'm still feeling exhausted and the weather isn't helping.  It's been gray and dreary for the last few days and I need the sun.

I've been pretty much laid out for weeks, it seems.  David and I went out for New Year's Eve and came home before midnight because I couldn't make it.  I've noticed that even staying home all day, I can still get pretty darn exhausted and my new limit of activities seems to be one.  One measly, pathetic activity.  I can curl my hair and do makeup with the girls and then I'm done.  I can do a load of laundry and then I'm done.  I can clean a bedroom and then I'm done.  And I hate this more than I can express.  I hate having to move from the bed to the couch back to the bed.  I feel lazy and useless.

And I've been praying a lot about what this means in my life; how on earth my brokenness can be used.  How I can be a blessing rather than a burden.  I don't know.  The only thing I know is that when I look at it through an earthly lens it just sucks and it is a burden.  Only when I look through a kingdom lens does it make a bit more sense.  But my vision still is not that great.  I can't see it clearly. I just know that this has been chosen for a reason and that acceptance is the key to all my problems.

I want to isolate with this illness and keep it a secret and cry by myself in the bathroom and then come out with a tough attitude and act like it's no big deal.  I've been pretty quiet about Multiple Sclerosis in years past but as it continues to have its effect in my life I've found myself searching out other sufferers--their words and stories so I don't have to feel so alone.  I find myself wanting to know if there are others who are trying to homeschool through a chronic illness and I'm googling those search words and so I've realized if I want a voice, I can also be a voice.  I can provide what I'm desiring for others who are searching for similar feelings of connectedness.

What in me wants to keep it to myself, anyway?  Shame?  Embarrassment?  Fear of being misunderstood? Disbelieved? I'm not sure but I do know the enemy likes to silence; he likes to make us feel isolated and alone.  And those are lies.  We are never alone.  And when we share, we bring light and light is more powerful than darkness.

1 comment:

  1. "In your light we see light" Psalm 36 His truth reveals and abundance of life even when through the earthly lens it seems all hope is lost. Thank you for sharing. You are being a voice.
